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Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
Pharmaceutical Intermediate
Hormone steriod
Plant extracts
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"Meeting the demand of customers" is our motto. We are confident to be your preferred outsourcing partner.
(3S,4R)-3-(3,4-methylene dioxyphenoxy methyl)-4-(4'-fluorophenyl)-N-Methyl Piperidine

Full name : (3S,4R)-3-(3,4-methylene dioxyphenoxy methyl)-4-(4'-fluorophenyl)-N-Methyl Piperidine
Formula : -
molecular Weight : -
Purity : 98%
CAS Number : 110429-36-2
Quantity available : -
Product number : I30002

Please be noted:
 •We can also supply the most part of intermediates of the above products. 
 •Products covered by a patent in the country of destination will not be supplied to this country.Patent responsibility is on buyer's account.


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